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Showing posts from October, 2020


  What is Coronavirus and how does it spread? In December 2019, a deadly virus struck China. The virus not only paralyzed the country but also threatened the regions around it. The virus spread through chain reactions affecting anyone in the path or in its vicinity. As it was a disease unknown to man, several researches, experiments and attempts were made to find the cure for it. However, all that specialists could find out were its origin and the preventive measures that should be taken. This epidemic, by the  World Health Organization (WHO) , has been named “COVID -19” and is widely known as “Coronavirus”.  From December, the virus has spread to several countries both inside and outside of Asia. Till date, the virus has been responsible for more than thirty thousand infections in China and more than two thousand deaths. There have also been a few cases that have been reported in India.  Coronavirus is a family of viruses that typically cause respiratory symptoms. This virus is Zoonot

Yoga helps to boost Immune system during Covid-19 Pandemic

  Yoga to the rescue in this lockdown & fight against Covid-19   With our changing lifestyles owing to the coronavirus pandemic, this age-old exercise has benefits that are far reaching. The restricted travel, panic over the risk of infection, continuous flow of negative news and scarcity of day-to-day material and resources due the corona pandemic are all adding to growing anxiety. Being confined to our homes can be mentally challenging. Besides staying connected to family and friends, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, there is also one other thing that can help keep anxiety and mental health in check - yoga. Yoga has known to be beneficial since ages, and not just for weight loss, but also to keep the mind calm. A mind running with negative thoughts over the uncertain future results, often results in sleepless nights which causes daytime fatigue. “Mental health is of utmost importance to see through these challenging times. Most people are not able to relax and forcibly try to