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Showing posts from June, 2020

#India-China Border Update

PM Modi Calls All-Party Meet  The all-party meeting, called by Prime Minister Narendra Modi to discuss the situation at the border areas with China, is scheduled to be held on Friday at 5 pm. पीएम मोदी ने सर्वदलीय बैठक बुलाई: चीन के साथ सीमावर्ती क्षेत्रों की स्थिति पर चर्चा के लिए प्रधान मंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी द्वारा बुलाई गई सर्वदलीय बैठक शुक्रवार को शाम 5 बजे होने वाली है। Galwan clash: Brutal injury marks on bodies; some die of hypothermia, asphyxiation The bodies of the Army personnel killed by the Chinese had some extreme injury marks, with some of them dying of hypothermia and asphyxiation. The post-mortem of the bodies of the 20 personnel was conducted at SNM hospital in Leh. Officials said some of them had brutal injury marks on faces and other body parts, confirming the reports that suggested that the Chinese Army used clubs studded with nails during the physical combat with the Indian Army. गैल्वान क्लैश: शरीर पर क्रूर चोट के निशान ; हाइपोथर्मिया के कुछ मर जाते हैं ,

The Last Attempt

Once upon a time, a majestic king ruled in a state. One day a foreign visitor came to his court and presented a beautiful stone gift to the king. The king was very happy to see that stone. He decided to build a statue of Lord Shiva from that stone and install it in the temple of the state and handed over the work of building the statue to the state's General Secretary. General Secretary went to the best sculptor of the village and giving him the stone said, “The King wants to install the statue of Lord Shiva in the temple. Within seven days, prepare the statue of Lord Shiva with this stone and send it to the palace. For this, you will be given 100 gold coins. " The sculptor was happy to hear the 100 gold coins and after the departure of the General Secretary, took out his tools to start the construction of the statue. From his tools, he took a hammer and hit it with a hammer to break the stone. But the stone remained intact. The sculptor made several hammer blows on the

Sculptor: Father and Son

Gangapur was a small village with a lot of fun and scenic beauty. All the residents had small businesses and lived happily ever after. There was also a sculptor living in that village who made really nice sculptures that were eye-catching. It is difficult to find fault with his idol. He had a good impression in the village. He used to make idols of God and make a living. He had a son, and as he got older, he became more adept at making idols, and his idols became better than his father. But whenever he made an idol, his father would find fault with it and tell him, and he would obey his father and correct it. Once upon a time, the money for the idol of the son began to come more than the idol of the father. And even the father in his mind was proud that, "My son became a better sculptor than me." But he never said that to his son, whenever he made an idol, he would find fault with it and tell it. One day the son lost his patience and said to his father, "Where do you kno

Inspirational Story of the Great Boxer-Mahmood Ali

Mahmood Ali: The Great Boxer Mahmood Ali was born on January 17, 1942 in Louis Ville Kentucky to a poor painter. Since childhood, Ali had a dream of becoming a boxer. He won the title of World Heavyweight Champion three times, his life was very struggling. Once refused to enter the US military, his boxing title was suspended. His appeal was later decided in his favor by the Supreme Court. Boxing Mahmood Ali is considered by many to be the best boxer to date. He is considered the second best boxer in boxing history by ESPN.Com. Zid's staunch, indomitable self-confident Ali has hoisted the flag of his success in the world, on the strength of his willpower.

Usain Bolt's Real Life Inspirational Story

Usain Bolt- The Speed Master There was a time when Usain Bolt did not even have the money to buy shoes. In the World Athletics Championships held in Berlin in the year 2009, Usain Bolt shocked the world by breaking his own world records in 100 M and 200 M races and setting a new record of 9.50 and 19.19 seconds. The story of the childhood of the world's fastest runner, his mother's (Jennifer Bolt)  words - This is the story of a person who has reached the hail from the floor. The story of a person who used to play cricket in childhood, but today is making a splash in athletics and has become the world's fastest runner. You know him by the name of Usain Bolt, but for me he is my favorite son. My husband runs a small shop in Wellesley village, so Usain was not able to get sports shoes in his childhood. The school management got him these shoes, which made his training speed up. Usain was born in Trelawny Parrish (Sherwood Content), a small village in Jamaica, where there were

Real Life Inspirational Story of KFC

The Colonel Sanders, studying up to 7th class, started the chain of KFC in the world Colonel Sanders, whose full name was Harland David Sanders. There was an American businessman who spread the chain of KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) producers all over the world. When Sanders was 5 years old, his father died because his mother was going to work, so he had to cook meals at home. He dropped out of school when he was in 7th class. When his mother remarried, Sanders ran away from home. Early in life, Sanders struggled a lot. Sometimes worked in a steam boat, sometimes as a salesman in insurance, sometimes as a fireman in a railroad. At age 16 (misrepresenting his age), he joined the army and served in Cuba. At age 40, Sanders was making chickens and those who stayed at his service station would find the chickens useful. They had no restaurant at the time. Due to the quality of the chicken, its sales quickly increased and he worked as a chief cook in a 142-seat hotel. There he devised a new w

Real Life Inspirational Story of Nirma

Karasanbhai Patel: The Journey from Poverty to Prosperity Karshanbhai Patel is an Indian industrialist and a founder of the Nirma Group with major interests in Detergent Powder, Soaps & Cosmetics and Nirma University.  Born in a middle class farmer family, Karsan Bhai Patel was born in Mehsana town of Gujarat, he started his life as a lab assistant in the Mines Department of Gujarat. In 1969, when Karsan Bhai was just 25 years old, he set up a small scale industry at home, in which he started making detergents. This was a time when foreign companies used to mix detergents in the market and no Indian industry could even imagine making detergents. Karsan brothers used to go from house to house selling Nirma detergent at the rate of three rupees per kg. He took the name Nirma after his daughter Nirupama. Nirma powder created panic in the world of detergent powder. Starting in person, Karsan Bhai has a group of 15,000 people in this industry today. Today Nirma's annual turnover i